Zugspitz Ultra Trail, 108km of pure emotions
Robert Urban: "During this time, my partner Annelieke also caught the ultramarathon bug. Sharing these grueling, long-distance races with her became a profound source of motivation. Despite our rigorous preparation, we were still apprehensive about the race—the thought of running for over 20 hours through the night, facing cold and rain, filled us with dread. Would our legs hold up? Would our stomachs manage? Did we pack enough clothing to stay warm at 2,100 meters? Would we make the cutoff times? But no amount of fatigue or pain could stop us. Without a doubt, best day of my life."

Bernina Ultraks trail marathon - 42,5 km and 2.600m vertical
Celina Weber: "After having to put my preparations for my first trail race on hold last year due to a serious accident with vertebral fractures, I am over the moon to have finally put the project into action this summer! The Bernina Ultraks trail marathon in Pontresina was now on the agenda. 42.5km and 2600 vertical meters over beautiful trails and glaciers in the high mountains of Graubünden. A real suffer-fiesta and all the more emotion in the finish area. Crossing the glaciers and snowfields with snowline Spikes was a breeze. Mega grip and valuable energy saved, which was especially crucial for the final kilometers".

Salomon Pitz Alpine Glacier Trail - 103 km and approx.6000m vertical
Over 2,000 legs took on their personal challenge and explored the Pitztal trails. Many of them have safely conquered the Pitztal Glacier thanks to our snowline Spikes. The highest point is the Mittagskogel-Scharte at 3,070 m, followed by a spectacular glacier crossing to the Braunschweigerhütte. Hardly any race suits snowline better than the PAGT with its glacier crossing.

Vertical Up, Kitzbühel
Bianca Riegel: “Our runners rely on snowline Spikes when they conquer the race track from bottom to top in icy conditions.
When hiking, these Spikes shouldn't be missing in any backpack either!”
(Org.Comm. Marketing, Race Office, professional Mountain Hiking Guide)