snowline Spikes für den Berglauf Vertical Up in Kitzbühel
Die Streif in Kitzbühel ist längst nicht mehr nur Schauplatz für das bekannteste Skirennen. Jahr für Jahr lockt sie Profiathleten und Hobbysportler aus der ganzen Welt an, um sich der...
Die Streif in Kitzbühel ist längst nicht mehr nur Schauplatz für das bekannteste Skirennen. Jahr für Jahr lockt sie Profiathleten und Hobbysportler aus der ganzen Welt an, um sich der...
For a long time I thought the use of crampons was unnecessary. My personal opinion on this has now changed 180 degrees! More...
This allows snow fields to be crossed safely South of the main Alpine ridge, we are often still confronted with old snow in early summer! That's why we equip our...
Mountain worlds Safety tips for old snow fields Below it is already spring and green. Further up there is still snow
From the Arlberg to the Rax – mountain hiking is also very popular in winter. But be careful: on busy hiking trails, snow often accumulates and forms slippery ice surfaces...
Until well into summer, sections of the path are often buried under an old snow pack.
Snow fields mean slippery conditions. Be prepared! At 1,800m altitude at the latest, you will encounter the danger of old snowfields on tours in the mountains.